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  1. Klymer (C)

  2. Eruus

  3. Purgatory

  4. Tiny Mouse

  5. Nys-Nys

  6. Aqirah Serullah

  7. Amanzi Kasawoti

  8. Julius Barrows

  9. Railspyk

  10. Natural Born Empress

  11. Torga Bills

  12. KanopE

  13. Yulley Wade

  14. Eternal

  15. Rakisha Veytarouga

  16. Lizy Sweet

  17. Keyerah Skybreaker

  18. Fuega

  19. Rojava Azevedo

  20. S.M. Dark Star

  21. Junior Power Champion

  22. Natural Born Tsaritsa

  23. Equidul Oboro


  1. Natural Born Supreme (C)

  2. HARM

  3. Moonlight

  4. Ms. Submit

  5. Ohzrahq

  6. Imperial

  7. Eyece

  8. Big Planet

  9. Fo

  10. Uzruhk

  11. The Entrapment

  12. Sweet Rock

  13. Equinol

  14. Bàorán

  15. Tree of Mass

  16. Aygriz

  17. Dark Jaguar

  18. Tantrum

  19. "The Death" Panzer

  20. Norvrek

  21. Kaampleks

  22. Sikul

  23. Lineage

  24. Slugger-9

  25. Sidar

  26. Ralphmon Boromada

  27. G Rock



  1. Malfeasance (Cheat King & Savage King [Blond Beard]) (C)

  2. The Unabridged (Equidul Oboro [Green Hair] & Ralphmon Boromada)

  3. The Formidable ("The Death" Panzer & Tree of Mass [Female])

  4. Bad Intentions (The Inflictor & HARM [Lighter Skin])

  5. Queens of the Jungle (Tygriss [Smiling] & Tygress)

  6. Redemption (Vivian SolSista & L.Q. Vidorus [Big Male])

  7. Brothers of Chaos (HEDO & REDO [Dark Red])

  8. j.W.o Rock (G Rock & Sweet Rock [Blonde Hair])

  9. Blunt Force Submission (Persevere & Norvrek [Tall Male])

  10. KOLD (Eyece & Sikul [Thicker Eyebrows]

  11. Nys & Sweet (Nys-Nys & Lizy Sweet [Purple Hair])

  12. Castigation (Blegser Appugnuswyn & Leiudros Dheubwyn [White Hair])

  13. Tantrupleks (Tantrum [Bald] & Kaampleks)

  14. Catching Altitude (KanopE & Klymer [Light Blue Hair])

  15. FSJ (Junior Power Champion & Fo [Blue Shirt])

  16. Battle Seduction (Seksee & Aygriz [Male])

  17. Natural Born Majesty (Empress & Supreme [Masked])

  18. Limbo (Eternal & Purgatory [Black Hair])

  19. 2nd Wave (Atsuri Romino & Kapori Katowana [Darker Skin])

  20. Face Breakers (Big Planet & Slugger-9 [Male])

  21. Natural Born Ascendancy (Sage & Empress [White Hair])

  22. Fractured Web (Tangle & Spirit Breaker [White Hair])

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